Brewed my blond, 2nd time fermenting in a keg. Seems to work out ok. Blond

started right off has a nice smell from the fermenter.
To ferment from a keg you need to cut off about an inch from the dip tube. Make sure the keg is sealed without any leakes, for the blow off just get an extra gas in connector and put a nice long tube on it. Attatch to the gas in side and put the tube in a jar of starsan.
My next brew will be a Munich Helles. Need to brew it next week for a competition comming in April.
The Club challange is to brew up an American Pale Ale. Not my favorite but I will probably brew a 2.5 gallon batch. Found a nice recipe for it but I changed it up a little, will be interesting to see how it does with all the IPA guys.